Monday 5-12 Presentations round Seda temporarily works with Constant, was in NY last 3 years computer scientist, researcher at university, on privacy & surveillance trying to get a critical stand on what computer scientists do several projects: - inventory in the home / bring out the conflicts vs 'privacy does not deal with conflicts' - histories of big data vs 'big data comes out of nothing' mention of development of the cloud: industry wants to maintain software cost lower / harvest data -> cloud plans for DiVersions: a way to touch the cloud, to see MS/Amazon/Google as versions of the cloud racial critique/war-on-terror critique as part of the critique on surveillance. Femke she works for Constant, she's a graphic designer software and practice started project on 3D - there is something going on there on the math, tools, software meeting between military, Hollywood, plastic surgery, gaming that ask for attention. DiVersions: versionsing practices: popularity of Github, shift in software ethics. forking: would be the last resource, whereas in github it just became common practice where does conflict go? Kristien knows Constant through working with Active Archives, was developed further with Alex (OSP) and Sarma: Olga project is still running, & many questions in difference regarding authoring, publishing recently a lot of cooridnation work: distande towards research, but good to reconnect through the worksession own research is on chance support: what is the (im)proper material you're working on? Concept from Georges Perec, Species of Spaces: the space of the page Writers who has used chance supports to write Archiving logics for writers and artists, digitization of these archives - what transitions/modifications are made to the material? Wendy she works for Constant this Thursday opening at Constant office in Saint-Gilles from 18:00: everybody's welcome :-) Objects in commons:,2688.html?lang=en fablabs 'share what's hapening there' > web navigation going to places through internet, basicly always going to US interested on preservation and documentation of art work works that are emerging from digital environments are comparable to works from land art issue with migration of ammunition? documenting or copying or documenting making circulate files as preservative strategies documented a JODI performance at Stedelijk how can the encounter with digital art be seen as a particular moment? treating it as an event could bring better preservative startegies in order to capture those works documenting the documentation process capacity of copying the file and making it circulate enable people to see the variety of accounts reinterpretations of work Lionel close to Julie interrest of preservation do research in preservation of digital work teaches media archaology and does preservation of digital artworks ( he works) try to experiement reconsruction of digital work with original material such as hard ware and softaware 3D software made in the 80s. Annie Abrahams owner of the software. They tryed to rebuilt the software on an amiga exhibition of this remake, version of the original software and the original everyone can experiement on the amiga + online version reconstructed old website html for example the one of Gregory Chatonsky they call these reconstruction second original Mia part of just for the record lives in Brussels visual artist not from ogramming perspective but more on object like sculpture sculptor dabbles in construction work comes from an education of product design. how do we read objects in relation to ourselves as physical entities? what about permanence and size? how we read tools as physical construction. Like tools are made from several different size and mold/hands intersted in language and logmaking 1st encouter with log during a sailing travel where sha had to log whch did create narration and gave a tr of the climate collections as such where the collection looking at the semantic framing smtg that shes been thinking about jftr but also now with diversion in museum narration for this session she is interested in rewriting things that are considered taboo in our society what is considered as taboo change so much. Quick rewriting that happen in a really short amount of time attack the idea of taboo ship log is the book of the ship narrating the structure and story of the ship through every sailor ship and travels (like the ship diary) sometimes the lack of emotion in ship logs can be heartbreaking (eg war ships where the only way to tell what happened is to see the difference in the number of sailors who have died and those that survived) Arianna Is a waitress an dartist researcher at a.pass participatory - project based. she has a project in collective apass environlent research is based on the ghost (the host the cost the coast ? ) daily gesture of care taking assigned to the feminine gender sollidified in caretaking practices now this is embodied research based in my model gestures in daily caretraking gathering in/of material gestures because she works with family / in her own lineage -> intimate relation - At this moment: ( ... problematising .... ) "why i fealt allowed to approprate these gestures?" - " Although the gestures are also in me, as I learned these gestures" "what are the means?" "how am I gathering the material?" The gesture of making an arwork is also a gesture on the gestures (the recording is made by video) how does intimate space alow for appropriation, hiow can this be shared under which circumstances, what .. grounds (keyword intermezzo: ) ... body ... maintain archive of gesturess by doing them daily art ... mine ... i do .... :-) ... physical and digital at the same time why in unfamiliar space (prrrr ... ?) she records the gestures in video and interviews Marie - soon 30 2 tuirning 30 on saturday Saint-gillies Bergmanstraat 77 top floor (bring champagne and gifts !) (and compliments) Background in graphic design in Brussels for 8-9 interests: cycle of creation, conservation archivation, circulation reproduction publishing something is never original each catalogue is a new work when how what do we call a copy ? She works Royal Library ... she does project 'parallel libraries' balancing art design heritage and library connection design schools and archives Accessability the cycle of publishing of documents –the circulation is interesting as one k with the archives reproduction it is always never original never perfects came to diversions when and how are we making a copy, whatis a copo how does it change the narrative half of the week working in an archive half of the week working with La Houle– publishing house interest in public libraries – forarts and design projects alike into library when there is more heritage in culturalreproduction Lauren erg – worked with books, paper books, not digital – but paper books not herthing I met sarah when she did an internship at OSP the first time to work through the approach of philosophy first time I met FLOSS tools she introduced me to the floss philosophy then I met Eric, who became my boyfriend he could really accompany me, but then said: you can do your own website, and I discovered that it was amazing I thought waw that is so cool I really want to make it my thing. Somehow I became a feminist. I slowly walked into it I teach ... realized she could not continue to tell things the same way (without a feminist perspective) In the school there are a lot of narratives that aremissing. As well as with the recent events onthe international scene the need to do this work has biassed ... meet new narratives feminism and graphic design engaged politically just like the Geraldine: G thinks that sometimes feminism can be an alianating force Constant feels like the only space that is not alianating :-) Would not call herself a feminist, but supports the work and is interested in the ideas What it is ? Has a practice in fine arts Through that doing open source - "jumped on the bus of Open Source and public domain" - but then needed time to start questioning Never had time to reflect on it, and at some point 'I got invited to Constant' Technology is not the center; but the context and the people are Archive ... can be a box with things, but it can also be opening new perspectives How did we end up with these categories Interested in the social process of accounting epistemic systems not give more agency then needed to the tools, but more t Information and technology - wants to learn how these categories of open knowledge and started to come about. English language also an example: "research" - looking into something When are things knowledge and when are they just data I am trying to privilege poetics technically impressive is not catching on anymore I am working with noise the voice as a mediation device Because I am so hyper and stufff .. :-)