Presentation KMKG's digital collection (Nacha)

4 sites: Hallepoort/Porte de Hal, MIM (Music Instruments Museum), Japanese Tower & Chinese pavillion, Cinquantenaire)
more than 400.000 copies in 10 departments
you can search what they have online here:

10 departments, each of then has their own library and archive
PREZI presentation 

examples of exhibitions for the blind
and online
"Favorites" (aka Highlights) greet you there
TRI lingual
for each object a photo and metadata: which collection it belongs to, what it is, classification, author, material, date, geography, dimensions, permalink
links to other prints in a series in the detail view
bibliography on an item (?): an object - or item - entered into the database has one description record, one bibliographic record. Lots of these entries taken together are datasets.
europeana: developing relationships with other institutions
not ideal but it's the first step in developing a reln.
static dump of ddata, limited control from rmah, enormous portal, better to work
items got "lost in the magnitude of the project"

Participated in different EU projects: Athena, Europeana Photography, ....
"Europeana helps cultural heritage institutions to communicate how data can be accessed and used."
When registering objects from the museum: starts with old files: Fiches -> databank -> photos (the more the better) 
Enrichment of photos (on top of metadata)
enrich it with Thesauri (no spelling mistakes/same term for everyone)
controlled vocabulary, limiting
Categories, Geographic references, Materials and techniques
Manges synonyms between languages
self-made, parts based on GETTY-AAT, "thesauri known to be of good quality"
this object has been described in this or that catalog
descriptions in three languages (EN, FR, NL), different persons work on this - also interns from the university of Leuven
3D images
project where stamps from the middle east were photographed under different lights - multispectral lights
it creates a 3D+ model!?
audience capture, scientific value: prints are available online

plan to create virtual interactive exhibitions

oh lala: crowdsourcing!
(actually, it seems they mean: involving the public in describing the objects. In fact less sinister than it sounds?)
no keywords yet, they would like to add them to mke the search easier
intention to print 3D models in the future, in atelier de moulage
-> we will visit that atelier on Thursday

fs: with crowdsourcing, other than public describing the collection, are you expecting also to get different perspectives on the same objects?
answer: limited resources, collaborates with wikipedia
an: the diverging readings was part of the discussion yesterday..
there is not yet a project in which we want the crowd to do something. 

clear which objects get less attention, vases are more attractive than tiny stones...
first phase : consice inventory of the museum & putting it out on the internet
next stage: expectations ...

track interaction online? no
track visits in the museum? schools, Egypt rule

decision making process that brings you to defined categories
updating? there is a thesaurus manager who works with datasets of the curator, she takes the final decision
ex. geographical references are quite stable (not Nepal) exception!
there cannot be a conflict
collaborate with British Museum, for example using each other's thesaurus

crowdsourcing: allows for different perspectives, scientist/artist - maybe work with colours
new term? ex chair

pictures of the labels? no, usually they don't contain more information than what we have
the files have digitalized for some collections & added to the object
the metadata includes the movement of the objects

inventory number
object number
where is it
where does it come from
distinguish between authors: concepts & production
mentioned in the databank if the bject has been part in exhibition
some objects do not belong to museum but have been kept for 20y

metadata is offered to Europeana free of use
photos are in small resolution, can be used for personal purpose, but have to ask permission to museum for high quality pictures
when people require images in high resolution, it is studied on a case by case basis. educational is free, other cases for sale
might change for orphan works (EU directive, applied to Belgian law), takes more time

all public sector information should be publicly available
unfortunately laws 'coming down from EU', allow to charge for creating the material
ex Rijksmuseum: 10y to close down for the public & photograph eveeything, decided to publish all material onlien (cheaper than have staff doing the paperwork)
not possible here: "culture of the museum"+ technical bigger infrastructure to link up photogrpahic library
many of the pictures now online : work photographs, different quality
high res photos: priority for more popular collections (ex lace lowres, specific for people working with lace) and scientific collections

> amazing collection of lace to check out

general classification via the Thesauri, and specific collections use specific classification systems.
AMPHORA classification system?

different techniques:
xrays for the mummies
multispectrum light
collaborated with Royal Observatory of belgium:
-> images from the work of translating physical archives to digital ones

In the museum's database an object has a master record - a description
an object also has a bibligoraphic entry
both use a defined thesaurus - terms are typically drawn from reliable existing sources
where an object has multiple versions (e.g. 3d representation, x-ray) then records for these are created, linked to the object master record
It seems these entries, are augmentations to the original object
FS: I want to meet the thesaurus manager.
+1 :) 'don't let anybody mess with your thesaurus'
Thesaurus as a 'hyerarchically flat classification'.....

10:45: Presentation Michael & Nicholas: http://diversions.lan/pad/p/different_orders_coexist
Notes are taken on the 'different_orders' pad

updated/updating programme: http://diversions.lan/pad/p/programme

alex presentation pad http://etherbox.local/pad/p/One_commit_doesn 't_make_a_story

ok url troubles let's go here